“Providing innovation to the individual in the shortest time”– Magpul Mission Statement【在最短时间内提供针对个体的创新性提升】——【马盖普的企业愿景】
Magpul was founded in 1999 with the intent of developing a simple device to aid in the manipulation of rifle magazines while reloading under stress. The company’s name comes from this original product called the Magpul®. Over the last seventeen years Magpul has continued to grow and develop using much the same mission and process with a focus on innovation, simplicity, and efficiency.【马盖普公司出于发展一种可以在高压环境下快速换弹的简单装置的目的而创建于1999年。公司的名称来源于这种原创的Magpul®产品。过去的7年当中,马盖普公司坚持不忘初心,一直在成长和发展,始终坚持创新、简约和高效。】To understand Magpul, one must first understand the root ideas that form the foundation of our company culture and design philosophy. These core principles have allowed us to maintain a course true to our original mission, and help explain how and why we do the things we do.【要了解马盖普,首先要了解我们最初建立公司的文化和设计哲学。这些核心理念让我们能够让我们不忘初心(不好意思,伟大的社会主义思想让我无法放弃“不忘初心”这个经典的词汇),同时让我们理解为什么我们要做我们做的事情。(开始玄学了...)】
2,Ideas are the easy part.【出主意一直是对简单的部分】There is something to be said for great ideas, however, ideas are nothing more than dreams until they are realized in a form that is accessible to the marketplace. Magpul is known for its creative design solutions, and we are proud of our accomplishments in this arena not only because they are novel, but because we have successfully turned many of our dreams into reality.【很多东西都是源于一些绝佳的主意,但是,如果他们没有验证市场的可行性那么再好的主意也只是白日梦。马盖普因为其可以提供创新性的解决方案而知名,我们之所以能在这个领域中取得令人骄傲的成就,并不简单的因为我们的想法很有创造性,同时是因为我们成功的把我们的梦想变成了现实。】
3,Easy is hard, hard is easy.【想复杂很容易,但想简单却很难】Unnecessary complexity and expensive construction are the hallmarks of mediocre design. It is almost always easier to design a product that is complicated, confusing, and expensive rather than simple, intuitive, and affordable. Although it is more difficult, Magpul has chosen to take the latter of these two approaches to product development.【不必要的繁琐和昂贵做工一直是下乘设计的标志。设计一件复杂、难懂和昂贵的产品永远要比设计一件简单、直观和高性价比的产品要简单的多。虽然这很困难,马盖普在发展产品的时候更愿意遵从后者。】From the onset of every project, Magpul uses a list of mission-driven requirements to dictate design, material construction, and manufacturing methods that will be most efficient without sacrificing quality or performance. The goal of the design itself is to be both simple and intuitive. By incorporating ergonomic considerations, a proper user interface, and subtle visual and tactile features, the product itself should actually instruct the user about its operation and function. Although every Magpul product comes with clear, concise installation and usage instructions, our aim is to design products so self-explanatory that instructions become unnecessary.【在开始每件产品设计之前,马盖普使用一套一最终目的为向导的思路驱动设计,在不牺牲质量和外观展现的前提下保证原材料搭建和加工的高效性。设计本身要保证简约和直观。通过结合人体工程学构想,合适的用户使用界面和微妙的视觉和触觉特征,产品本身便可直白的告知使用者它的操作和功能。虽然马盖普的产品均会携带清晰简明的产品组装和使用说明书,我们设计产品的目标却是想让产品变得一目了然到不再使用说明书。(又见玄学)】
4,Fail smart, fail often.【失败是成功之母,所以经常失败吧~(小编已经对此等哲学献出膝盖)】There is much to be learned from failure: product ideas, material properties, user interface issues, etc. The potential knowledge to be gained from a bad concept or failed execution is virtually endless. Only by pushing the limits of design, materials, and manufacturing techniques through a process of trial and error do we find true innovation. That said, failure for its own sake is foolish, and it is important to learn as much as possible from existing failures so as not to attempt to reinvent the square. This is the meaning behind "fail smart."【我们需要从失败中学习太多的东西:产品构想,材料特性,用户界面问题等等。存在于糟糕的构思设计和执行中潜在经验和知识简直就是一个无限循环。只有通过从实践和不断失误吸取经验,我们才能突破设计、材料和做工的极限,才能得到真正的革新(充满了社会主义哲学文化)。这也就是说,失败本身其实是很SB的,但是更重要是的是在失败的过程中预见失败的可能性。这就是fail smart这句玄学的意境吧。】
5,Build what they need, not what they want.【做他们需要的东西,而不是他们想要的东西。】As a rule, end users are generally not designers, and are therefore limited to describing their needs in terms they know and understand. Although end user feedback is invaluable to the design process, Magpul never builds a product on the basis of simple market surveys. Instead, we study the intended mission, determine the equipment capability gap, and develop a solution based on a clearly defined set of performance-based requirements. While the end result will almost certainly not be what the user had envisioned, it will more effectively address the needs and performance capabilities they are often unable to clearly articulate or recognize from a product development perspective.【规律上说,终端使用者并不是设计者,因为其受限于他们的认知,对他们而言描述自己的需求变得基本不可能。诚然,最终的用户反馈对产品设计非常珍贵,但马盖普的产品设计从来不基于某个单一市场调研。相反的,我们有针对性的研究学习现有任务,填补装备性能空缺,同时做出以产品呈现为基础的简单明了的解决方案。虽然最终呈现的产品并不是终端用户臆想的模样,但最终我们产品通常会以他们难以理解的可发展视角呈现给他们,准确的填充他们的需求和装备性能。(这段话的意思是,我的想法岂是尔等凡人所能理解,恕我直言,在座的各位都是SB)】
6,Mission dictates function, and function dictates design.【任务决定了功能,功能决定了设计】Magpul builds for the real world, so every item is built to fill a particular mission, and is designed around a unique set of cost, performance, and timeline considerations. The styling of a product follows these mission-driven parameters, and ties the functional piece into a design that can be efficiently produced.【马盖普是针对真实世界建立的,所以每条产品线的建造都是为了一个特定的任务,都是围绕着一个特定的预算、外观和时间线而设计的。产品的风格遵从着以任务为导向的理念,将各个功能有机的结合在一起。】
7,Innovate or die.【要么创新,要么死】In the marketplace of ideas, innovation is survival. Defensible intellectual property is beneficial, but we must continually adapt our way of thinking to meet the demands of a dynamic marketplace.【在创意想法的领域,创新才是生存之道。保守的思维模式虽然没错,但是我们要以动态的眼光去思考市场。】
Profits are not evil.【挣钱并不罪恶】We are humbled whenever someone uses their hard earned money to buy our products. Our products range from low-cost common applications, to high-cost specialized designs, but by pricing our products in direct relation to material development costs, they all provide value for the price. Magpul’s view on profits (and money in general) is summed up in the following quote by Ayn Rand (Francisco’s Money Speech, Atlas Shrugged):“Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value.”【每次有人用自己挣来的钱用来购买我们产品都让我们谦恭异常。我们的产品跨度从低端廉价的大众产品到高端昂贵的私人定制,但排除对材料使用造成的成本提升来说,大家都能从相应的价格获得相应的收益(说白了那意思就是一分价钱一分货)。马盖普的价值观(基本上就是说挣钱)可以用Ayn Rand(圣弗朗西斯科财经讲座)的一句话概括:“钱就是建立在等价交换上的一种原则性材料”】
Be aggressive enough, quickly enough.【够野,够快】The success of even the best products is contingent upon both timing and delivery. Getting a good design to market quickly and with enough force to meet consumer demand is the difference between simply breaking even or marketplace domination.【即便是最好的产品成功也要建立在准确的时间线和快递运输上。够快够好的产品设计和强势的市场推广决定了无亏损经营和市场垄断之间的区别。】
10,No wine before it’s time.【大功告成后才是庆祝时间】Although somewhat contradictory to the previous statement, one must recognize that it is impossible to avoid “Murphy,” and some products will just have to wait if they cannot meet the quality standards we have set for ourselves.【虽然某种程度上来说与事先发言存在矛盾,但是你必须意识到避免”Murphy“是不可能的,所以有的产品只有在达到我们为它设定的标准之后才能面世。】
Education is the best form of marketing.【从市场中学到的才是最好的。】We often get told that Magpul has slick marketing. This always makes us grin because Magpul has never used an advertising agency for our print ads or marketing materials. Everything is done in house. Our “secret” to effective marketing is simply to educate customers on the merits of our products through the internet, training classes, and instructional DVDs. Nothing slick – just honest explanations.【我们经常听到人们说马盖普有着熟练的市场技巧,这让我们经常十分开心,因为马盖普从来没有在印刷品广告和市场材料中使用广告代理。所有的事情都是公司自己做的,我们高效的市场需求的”秘密“来自于简单的对客户的培养,我们通过网络、培训课程和教学DVD宣传产品的好处。没什么投机取巧的,只是真诚的说明而已。(意思是,我们也没有那么棒啦,只是很真诚的告诉你我们的产品很屌很屌而已)】
12,Do not betray the brand.【不要砸自己的招牌】People who use Magpul products have high expectations and a great deal of trust regarding the quality and amount of thought put into every design we release. As such, all products must have the “touch” of the Magpul design team as outlined in the first part of this document. On the same note, great care must be taken not to associate the brand with any third party product that does not adhere to the Magpul core values.【马盖普产品的用户通常都对产品抱有很高的期待,同时也相信我们的质量和我们对产品每一个细微的独特设计。因此,马盖普的设计团队必须要与所有的产品产生如上文描述的这种”链接“。同样重要的是,我们必须坚持不能让不符合马盖普玄学的三方产品附着在马盖普旗下。(意思是,懂我的才可以)】
13,No one is using a Magpul product because they have to.【我们没有权利要求大家一定要使用我们的产品】When I was a Marine I routinely bought all sorts of equipment in an effort to gain a survival advantage, but most of that gear was poorly thought out and generally could not survive real life field conditions. Knowing this I implemented a 60-day, no questions asked return policy on all Magpul products to allow the user sufficient time to field test the gear in an environment of their choosing. If a newly purchased piece of Magpul gear breaks or is unsuitable for the mission, send it back for a full refund. This was our policy when Magpul was founded in 1999, and it remains in effect today.【当我还是海军陆战队的时候,为了能在生存条件下占有一线优势,我常规性的购买了一系列的装备,但是其中的大部分都是一些设计思路纸上谈兵并不能在真正的生存环境下给我提供帮助的。于是乎,马盖普的产品要保证在60天内无理由退换,这样可以让用户拥有充足的时间在他们需要的环境下使用和测试产品是否符合他们的需求。如果在新品上市后,因为产品损坏和对任务的不契合造成的退货,我们都会全额赔付。这是我们的最初在1999年成立时候的政策,保持至今。】
14,Annoy the establishment.【对保守主义说不】I remember clearly one time at a trade show where we released some new products that were getting a lot of attention. I hid my attendee badge and walked around the show, just looking around like another nameless visitor, when I overheard someone from another company say, “I just wish Magpul would go away.” Right then I knew our new products were as innovative as I suspected.Just as America’s Founding Fathers sought to promote individual rights and freedoms over those of the collective, Magpul also stands on the side of the individual. The natural enemy of the individual and innovation is the establishment and bureaucracy (which literally means “the power of the desk”). When we are annoying the establishment, we know we are effectively upholding our principles.【我清楚的记得有一次我们在参加一个博览会的时候展示的新产品引起了广泛的注意,我把我的与会者的工作证藏了起来然后在展会上逛了逛,就像其他来参会的客人一样,突然我听到别的公司展台的一个工作人员说:“我真心希望马盖普公司可以不在。”这时候我才知道我们的产品想我期待的一样成功。就像建立美利坚的国父们在集体主义中探寻发展个性的权利和自由一样,马盖普也同样站在个性这一方。个性和创新的天生的敌人就是保守主义和官僚主义(这里引申为“高层的权利”)。当我们拒绝保守主义的时候,我们知道我们已经非常有效的守住了我们的原则。】15Unfair advantage.【优势这种东西本身就是不公平的】"If you come expecting a fair fight, you are unprepared." This common saying among military and law enforcement professionals illustrates the core values and mindset that drive everything we do at Magpul. Our customer base encompasses a broad spectrum of users; everything from hobbyists and target shooters to the most specialized and highly trained military units in the world. Regardless of the end user or their mission, our goal is to design equipment with form, fit, and function far superior to that of your "standard issue" gear. In short, we want to give you an unfair advantage.【“如果你还在期待一场公平的对决,那你就还没准备好。”这句在军队和执法机构中流行的老话作为马盖普的核心价值观和核心思想驱动着我们在公司所做的任何事情。我们的客户基础包含非常广泛的使用者,包括全世界爱好者和设计运动员甚至包括专业高端的军队单位中的训练人员。不论终端用户是谁或者终端用户的使用任务是什么,我们的目标是设计从装备的性质、舒适度和功能上都让你“占尽优势”的产品。简单的来说,我们希望可以给你这种不公平的优势。】magpul产品类目









Magpul was founded in 1999 with the intent of developing a simple device to aid in the manipulation of rifle magazines while reloading under stress. The company’s name comes from this original product called the Magpul®. Over the last seventeen years Magpul has continued to grow and develop using much the same mission and process with a focus on innovation, simplicity, and efficiency.【马盖普公司出于发展一种可以在高压环境下快速换弹的简单装置的目的而创建于1999年。公司的名称来源于这种原创的Magpul®产品。过去的7年当中,马盖普公司坚持不忘初心,一直在成长和发展,始终坚持创新、简约和高效。】To understand Magpul, one must first understand the root ideas that form the foundation of our company culture and design philosophy. These core principles have allowed us to maintain a course true to our original mission, and help explain how and why we do the things we do.【要了解马盖普,首先要了解我们最初建立公司的文化和设计哲学。这些核心理念让我们能够让我们不忘初心(不好意思,伟大的社会主义思想让我无法放弃“不忘初心”这个经典的词汇),同时让我们理解为什么我们要做我们做的事情。(开始玄学了...)】
2,Ideas are the easy part.【出主意一直是对简单的部分】There is something to be said for great ideas, however, ideas are nothing more than dreams until they are realized in a form that is accessible to the marketplace. Magpul is known for its creative design solutions, and we are proud of our accomplishments in this arena not only because they are novel, but because we have successfully turned many of our dreams into reality.【很多东西都是源于一些绝佳的主意,但是,如果他们没有验证市场的可行性那么再好的主意也只是白日梦。马盖普因为其可以提供创新性的解决方案而知名,我们之所以能在这个领域中取得令人骄傲的成就,并不简单的因为我们的想法很有创造性,同时是因为我们成功的把我们的梦想变成了现实。】
3,Easy is hard, hard is easy.【想复杂很容易,但想简单却很难】Unnecessary complexity and expensive construction are the hallmarks of mediocre design. It is almost always easier to design a product that is complicated, confusing, and expensive rather than simple, intuitive, and affordable. Although it is more difficult, Magpul has chosen to take the latter of these two approaches to product development.【不必要的繁琐和昂贵做工一直是下乘设计的标志。设计一件复杂、难懂和昂贵的产品永远要比设计一件简单、直观和高性价比的产品要简单的多。虽然这很困难,马盖普在发展产品的时候更愿意遵从后者。】From the onset of every project, Magpul uses a list of mission-driven requirements to dictate design, material construction, and manufacturing methods that will be most efficient without sacrificing quality or performance. The goal of the design itself is to be both simple and intuitive. By incorporating ergonomic considerations, a proper user interface, and subtle visual and tactile features, the product itself should actually instruct the user about its operation and function. Although every Magpul product comes with clear, concise installation and usage instructions, our aim is to design products so self-explanatory that instructions become unnecessary.【在开始每件产品设计之前,马盖普使用一套一最终目的为向导的思路驱动设计,在不牺牲质量和外观展现的前提下保证原材料搭建和加工的高效性。设计本身要保证简约和直观。通过结合人体工程学构想,合适的用户使用界面和微妙的视觉和触觉特征,产品本身便可直白的告知使用者它的操作和功能。虽然马盖普的产品均会携带清晰简明的产品组装和使用说明书,我们设计产品的目标却是想让产品变得一目了然到不再使用说明书。(又见玄学)】
4,Fail smart, fail often.【失败是成功之母,所以经常失败吧~(小编已经对此等哲学献出膝盖)】There is much to be learned from failure: product ideas, material properties, user interface issues, etc. The potential knowledge to be gained from a bad concept or failed execution is virtually endless. Only by pushing the limits of design, materials, and manufacturing techniques through a process of trial and error do we find true innovation. That said, failure for its own sake is foolish, and it is important to learn as much as possible from existing failures so as not to attempt to reinvent the square. This is the meaning behind "fail smart."【我们需要从失败中学习太多的东西:产品构想,材料特性,用户界面问题等等。存在于糟糕的构思设计和执行中潜在经验和知识简直就是一个无限循环。只有通过从实践和不断失误吸取经验,我们才能突破设计、材料和做工的极限,才能得到真正的革新(充满了社会主义哲学文化)。这也就是说,失败本身其实是很SB的,但是更重要是的是在失败的过程中预见失败的可能性。这就是fail smart这句玄学的意境吧。】
5,Build what they need, not what they want.【做他们需要的东西,而不是他们想要的东西。】As a rule, end users are generally not designers, and are therefore limited to describing their needs in terms they know and understand. Although end user feedback is invaluable to the design process, Magpul never builds a product on the basis of simple market surveys. Instead, we study the intended mission, determine the equipment capability gap, and develop a solution based on a clearly defined set of performance-based requirements. While the end result will almost certainly not be what the user had envisioned, it will more effectively address the needs and performance capabilities they are often unable to clearly articulate or recognize from a product development perspective.【规律上说,终端使用者并不是设计者,因为其受限于他们的认知,对他们而言描述自己的需求变得基本不可能。诚然,最终的用户反馈对产品设计非常珍贵,但马盖普的产品设计从来不基于某个单一市场调研。相反的,我们有针对性的研究学习现有任务,填补装备性能空缺,同时做出以产品呈现为基础的简单明了的解决方案。虽然最终呈现的产品并不是终端用户臆想的模样,但最终我们产品通常会以他们难以理解的可发展视角呈现给他们,准确的填充他们的需求和装备性能。(这段话的意思是,我的想法岂是尔等凡人所能理解,恕我直言,在座的各位都是SB)】
6,Mission dictates function, and function dictates design.【任务决定了功能,功能决定了设计】Magpul builds for the real world, so every item is built to fill a particular mission, and is designed around a unique set of cost, performance, and timeline considerations. The styling of a product follows these mission-driven parameters, and ties the functional piece into a design that can be efficiently produced.【马盖普是针对真实世界建立的,所以每条产品线的建造都是为了一个特定的任务,都是围绕着一个特定的预算、外观和时间线而设计的。产品的风格遵从着以任务为导向的理念,将各个功能有机的结合在一起。】
7,Innovate or die.【要么创新,要么死】In the marketplace of ideas, innovation is survival. Defensible intellectual property is beneficial, but we must continually adapt our way of thinking to meet the demands of a dynamic marketplace.【在创意想法的领域,创新才是生存之道。保守的思维模式虽然没错,但是我们要以动态的眼光去思考市场。】
Profits are not evil.【挣钱并不罪恶】We are humbled whenever someone uses their hard earned money to buy our products. Our products range from low-cost common applications, to high-cost specialized designs, but by pricing our products in direct relation to material development costs, they all provide value for the price. Magpul’s view on profits (and money in general) is summed up in the following quote by Ayn Rand (Francisco’s Money Speech, Atlas Shrugged):“Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value.”【每次有人用自己挣来的钱用来购买我们产品都让我们谦恭异常。我们的产品跨度从低端廉价的大众产品到高端昂贵的私人定制,但排除对材料使用造成的成本提升来说,大家都能从相应的价格获得相应的收益(说白了那意思就是一分价钱一分货)。马盖普的价值观(基本上就是说挣钱)可以用Ayn Rand(圣弗朗西斯科财经讲座)的一句话概括:“钱就是建立在等价交换上的一种原则性材料”】
Be aggressive enough, quickly enough.【够野,够快】The success of even the best products is contingent upon both timing and delivery. Getting a good design to market quickly and with enough force to meet consumer demand is the difference between simply breaking even or marketplace domination.【即便是最好的产品成功也要建立在准确的时间线和快递运输上。够快够好的产品设计和强势的市场推广决定了无亏损经营和市场垄断之间的区别。】
10,No wine before it’s time.【大功告成后才是庆祝时间】Although somewhat contradictory to the previous statement, one must recognize that it is impossible to avoid “Murphy,” and some products will just have to wait if they cannot meet the quality standards we have set for ourselves.【虽然某种程度上来说与事先发言存在矛盾,但是你必须意识到避免”Murphy“是不可能的,所以有的产品只有在达到我们为它设定的标准之后才能面世。】
Education is the best form of marketing.【从市场中学到的才是最好的。】We often get told that Magpul has slick marketing. This always makes us grin because Magpul has never used an advertising agency for our print ads or marketing materials. Everything is done in house. Our “secret” to effective marketing is simply to educate customers on the merits of our products through the internet, training classes, and instructional DVDs. Nothing slick – just honest explanations.【我们经常听到人们说马盖普有着熟练的市场技巧,这让我们经常十分开心,因为马盖普从来没有在印刷品广告和市场材料中使用广告代理。所有的事情都是公司自己做的,我们高效的市场需求的”秘密“来自于简单的对客户的培养,我们通过网络、培训课程和教学DVD宣传产品的好处。没什么投机取巧的,只是真诚的说明而已。(意思是,我们也没有那么棒啦,只是很真诚的告诉你我们的产品很屌很屌而已)】
12,Do not betray the brand.【不要砸自己的招牌】People who use Magpul products have high expectations and a great deal of trust regarding the quality and amount of thought put into every design we release. As such, all products must have the “touch” of the Magpul design team as outlined in the first part of this document. On the same note, great care must be taken not to associate the brand with any third party product that does not adhere to the Magpul core values.【马盖普产品的用户通常都对产品抱有很高的期待,同时也相信我们的质量和我们对产品每一个细微的独特设计。因此,马盖普的设计团队必须要与所有的产品产生如上文描述的这种”链接“。同样重要的是,我们必须坚持不能让不符合马盖普玄学的三方产品附着在马盖普旗下。(意思是,懂我的才可以)】
13,No one is using a Magpul product because they have to.【我们没有权利要求大家一定要使用我们的产品】When I was a Marine I routinely bought all sorts of equipment in an effort to gain a survival advantage, but most of that gear was poorly thought out and generally could not survive real life field conditions. Knowing this I implemented a 60-day, no questions asked return policy on all Magpul products to allow the user sufficient time to field test the gear in an environment of their choosing. If a newly purchased piece of Magpul gear breaks or is unsuitable for the mission, send it back for a full refund. This was our policy when Magpul was founded in 1999, and it remains in effect today.【当我还是海军陆战队的时候,为了能在生存条件下占有一线优势,我常规性的购买了一系列的装备,但是其中的大部分都是一些设计思路纸上谈兵并不能在真正的生存环境下给我提供帮助的。于是乎,马盖普的产品要保证在60天内无理由退换,这样可以让用户拥有充足的时间在他们需要的环境下使用和测试产品是否符合他们的需求。如果在新品上市后,因为产品损坏和对任务的不契合造成的退货,我们都会全额赔付。这是我们的最初在1999年成立时候的政策,保持至今。】
14,Annoy the establishment.【对保守主义说不】I remember clearly one time at a trade show where we released some new products that were getting a lot of attention. I hid my attendee badge and walked around the show, just looking around like another nameless visitor, when I overheard someone from another company say, “I just wish Magpul would go away.” Right then I knew our new products were as innovative as I suspected.Just as America’s Founding Fathers sought to promote individual rights and freedoms over those of the collective, Magpul also stands on the side of the individual. The natural enemy of the individual and innovation is the establishment and bureaucracy (which literally means “the power of the desk”). When we are annoying the establishment, we know we are effectively upholding our principles.【我清楚的记得有一次我们在参加一个博览会的时候展示的新产品引起了广泛的注意,我把我的与会者的工作证藏了起来然后在展会上逛了逛,就像其他来参会的客人一样,突然我听到别的公司展台的一个工作人员说:“我真心希望马盖普公司可以不在。”这时候我才知道我们的产品想我期待的一样成功。就像建立美利坚的国父们在集体主义中探寻发展个性的权利和自由一样,马盖普也同样站在个性这一方。个性和创新的天生的敌人就是保守主义和官僚主义(这里引申为“高层的权利”)。当我们拒绝保守主义的时候,我们知道我们已经非常有效的守住了我们的原则。】15Unfair advantage.【优势这种东西本身就是不公平的】"If you come expecting a fair fight, you are unprepared." This common saying among military and law enforcement professionals illustrates the core values and mindset that drive everything we do at Magpul. Our customer base encompasses a broad spectrum of users; everything from hobbyists and target shooters to the most specialized and highly trained military units in the world. Regardless of the end user or their mission, our goal is to design equipment with form, fit, and function far superior to that of your "standard issue" gear. In short, we want to give you an unfair advantage.【“如果你还在期待一场公平的对决,那你就还没准备好。”这句在军队和执法机构中流行的老话作为马盖普的核心价值观和核心思想驱动着我们在公司所做的任何事情。我们的客户基础包含非常广泛的使用者,包括全世界爱好者和设计运动员甚至包括专业高端的军队单位中的训练人员。不论终端用户是谁或者终端用户的使用任务是什么,我们的目标是设计从装备的性质、舒适度和功能上都让你“占尽优势”的产品。简单的来说,我们希望可以给你这种不公平的优势。】magpul产品类目



